Here at Red River Paddle - we love exploring wild and exotic places. The further off the beaten track the better. But the truth is most of us live in cities and there can be ample places to paddle that are only a few minutes away. So we encourage you - don't be an urban paddling snob! There are lots to explore and see in your hometown. Here in our home base of Winnipeg, our top places to paddle within the city are:
1. The Red River (Chief Peguis bridge down to Halfmoon Drive-in in Lockport is a favourite).
2. Assiniboine River (Beaudry Provincial Park to the Forks)
3. Seine River (in early Spring - when the river is flooded)
4. Kilcona Park (on the manmade lakes/canals)
5. Fort Whyte (anytime is good but it's most fun on free access days where you'll have plenty of fellow paddlers)
(For anyone wanting to do rivers in Winnipeg, the best guide (bar none!) to all the best put-ins and takeouts is Charles Burchill's guide found here).
Urban paddling allows you to see your city from a totally new perspective - and find hidden and beautiful places that are not often seen by the majority of locals. The other day I was exploring the waterways at Kilcona Park on our Red Paddle Co 11'3' Sport. I got to see deer, turtles, geese, ducks, a beaver . . . and explore an island or two on the waterways that I didn't even know existed. All of this was within a 10 minute drive from my home! Plus it was fun to paddle underneath bridges and chat with people out walking their dogs.
What's your favourite local paddle? And do you have a body of water nearby that you've thought would make for a fun paddle - but you've never tried it? Get out there and explore!